The bus took us 6km to Loreto to visit the Santuario della Santa Casa. This is the most highly decorated basilica I have ever seen, including St Peter’s in Rome. A multitude of nations compete to paint on its walls. It is crowded full of pilgrims. Why? Because the centrepiece is the house of Mary in Nazareth that has been transported entire. No photos allowed, inside the house, but its single window through which Gabriel arrived has a sturdy iron grill. The house is built of simple Roman style bricks, presumably plentiful in Nazareth under Roman occupation. A relief shows the house being transported by angels, but our guide said that they were probably crusaders. There was a black female statue which was getting much supplicatory attention and I saw a picture of it in the next town, Urbino.
So this Santuario must be the source of all those Loreto convents and schools around the world.
Outside there was even a tribute from McDonalds though the significance is mystifying .

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