One day to explore the large town on foot. We chose first a walk through the "old" part of town, but it is younger than Australian colonial cities: the oldest things we saw were from the third quarter of the 19 th century. This area is called gastown because a farmer-publican (called " saloonier " in a statue plaque) told gassy tales in his pub; here the curiosity is a steam driven clock, the steam coming from the underground heating system. The Goon Show would have been delighted- too bad nobody seems to have told Neddy.

In the clock department we also found some temporary street art by Salvador Dali on loan for a short time and returning home at the end of month.

"The famous soft watches are nothing else than the tender, extravagant, solitary, paranoic-critical camembert of time and space.
Still doing street art, down by the waterfront there is a sort of Big Lego: a giant digital orca, sculpted by one Douglas Coupland:
More than a match for the resident cormorants
The rest of the day story to be told later...
Lego look-alike as art? Not sure about that.