The show itself is the definite highlight of our visit.
The hip hop saga is politically complex, the characters are naturally somewhat simplified, but the ideals and biases emerge clearly to make this a a drama to be taken seriously, and drive you to sources for more detail. Most of the cast are on stage most of the performance, and the choreography is splendid. The main set doesn't change but props are used with ingenuity. The singing is almost continuous, so makes demands on the cast comparable to opera.
Next day we visited what is left of Hamilton's last home in Harlem. Much of the estate remains, but the house has been shifted twice to make way for streets etc, so the kitchen and other service quarters have not survived: Hamilton was a very active anti-slaver so his servants were paid. There is some original furniture, including a dining table centrepiece and a small pianoforte.
In the church grounds next door a bronze.