In Danny's, (the performer) own words" After months of trawling through my discovery of Great Uncle Ab's wage packet artworks, I'd selected about 70 was the story of a typical East London Jewish family...during the Blitz and aspiring to move to the promised land of the leafy suburbs around Golders was also the story of an undiscovered artist. Always inflected with irony and humour , I took a journey through Celie and Ab's most intimate moments...
"Abe Solomons did not make his art to be either placed in a gallery or to inspire a piec eof theatre. My strong feeling is that he made his art because he was compelled to: to make sense of life..."everyone's ordinary life is actually extraordinary, and by sharing it we all get to know ourselves a little bit better."

There is however one possibility of another medium for preserving a glimpse of the story, and that is a blog. Here is a link to a real blog that gives some moments not shared in the theatre:
The performance will be at Malthouse until 8 March. Opportunity of a lifetime.
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