Wednesday, 7 August 2019


We have spent plenty of time walking over the last few days.
We have sauntered along most of Sunshine Beach below the surf boundary, allowing ourselves to get wet up to the knees. The water feels warm enough for a full dip and we will aim for a fully sunny day for that. Sunshine Beach has a quite different terroir to Main Beach, dog home at our house end, lots of friendly surfing at the flags, real waves, only a small group of shops, surf club being rebuilt to open in December. The last is a pity because we hoped to dine there more than once. Just out of the flag area a young chap was catching pippies as they popped up their noses in the waves, bringing back childhood memories for me. I asked him what he was going to do with the two handfuls he had-“eat them” he replied,  “but how are they done?”  I was glad to let him know that boiling for a short period is appropriate. 

Realising that the Coastal Walk starting at the Hastings St end is much easier than the steep climb at Sunshine beach, we drove hoping to do the Coastal walk  from that end to Dolphin Point, but parking is a frustration - none left  at the Park entrance. We found a 2 hour spot 1.5km away among the houses, so chose the walk up Noosa Hill- quite energetic enough for me.

Another day an early start let us grab  a short park in the hub of Hastings, and partake of the upmarket ice cream. 

 A pleasant stroll is available up the riverside .

An  easy trek through the Park to Alexandria Bay starts near our house. I took the opportunity to examine the flora, which had several distinct zones. Bird calls are heard continuously and in great variety, but no visibility.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, parking near Hastings St is something of a problem, IIRC. I think, in the past, we've had more success at the river mouth end, sometimes in the park itself. -G
