Thursday 16 April 2015

Days in the country

The family hired a car and we took off for the rural scene of North Fork, Long Island for few days. Placid beach at the front door of our motel and carousel rides made for a good start to the holiday. The Silver Sands motel is need of external maintenance, but gets high marks on TripAdvisor. The owner was friendly, gave us a $50 restaurant voucher each, a bottle of wine and a packet of chips. The room was well equipped.

However, it was so cold on the first day that not even jumper, coat, and long johns sufficed. Luckily an eastern curio shop sold me a Nepalese beanie with ear muffs, and clever mittens with a finger flap for fine motor use. Wendy bought similar mittens and put them on top of her ordinary gloves.


Orient point on the point had a cable crossing to somewhere (presumably not transatlantic) and a meeting of two opposed sets of waves.The lunch break also required a playground so we got back in the car and drove to Ben's Point, ate our sandwich and sat in the sun. By now Jonas showed distinct signs of tiredness so while he slept, Jeremy, Henriette and Xanthe walked towards the point while we looked after the sleeping J. When he woke there was plenty of time for exploration of the playground following which we went back to Greenport, bought food at the supermarket and had a feast outside in the waning sun.

Sunday saw us take the car ferry (about 10-15 mins) to Shelter Island to look around. Our impression is that one would need a few dollars to,live there as the houses were quite generously proportioned. There was plenty of wild countryside and lovely beaches there as well but it was cold unless in a sheltered area.

The trek home started early afternoon and as we missed a turnoff, we ended up taking a slightly scenic route until we finally returned to the main road back to NYC.

We returned the car in good time and had a quiet evening and an early night.


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