Friday, 4 December 2015

Lord Howe Island


 The flight to and from Lord Howe Island is iffy because the landing strip is modest and guard by clouds wind and landscape, and no ground control: Pilots must actually must visually fly in.  Our flight to the island was delayed three hours waiting on clouds to clear (there are some electronic communications with the island to get a visual on weather). Unfortunately when we at last arrived in the vicinity the clouds had regathered and the pilot missed 2 attempts before getting down on the 3rd and last try. Waiting passengers on the island were disappointed as the pilot declined to take off until the morrow. Several flights had been cancelled over the weekend. We had no trouble leaving on the following weekend.

Lord Howe offers a rest from cell phones, and rations satellite internet access and newspapers. TV is available if necessary.

Lord Howe Island is good for walks, and migratory birds (we farewelled some waders that declined to photographed on their departure for the Russian arctic);  the mutton birds were not at home, but terns had come to raise chicks as had some swallows. A miniature woodhen

equivalent of a kiwi is unique.

Food at our lodge was rich and generous. The water was warm, the fish friendly, and from a glass bottom boat the coral the giant rays and giant green turtles and various other under water denizens exciting.

 The landscape is idyllic.